Sharing Is Caring :)

Hey Guys. Just Wanted To Share A Story. Got This From Tumblr. Hope You Guys Will Read And Share Too ! 

"I know that most of my followers will scroll past this, but please just read it.
this is me and my brother Lewis. He has cerebral pulsey, epilepsy and autism.. he has a thing for gates and badges. Yesterday I took him to the park, and 2 girls said really loudly, ‘she shouldn’t be taking him out in public, look at him’ my heart sank. He heard it aswell and when we got home, he was really upset, he said ‘why don’t people like me Kimmy? why do they call me nasty names?’ i didn’t know what to say to him.. i told him he was beautiful, that people who don’t like him are stupid, because they dont even know him.. but he said that he isn’t and that he didn’t want to be born, and broke down in tears.. i just want someone, even if it’s one person to reblog this, so i can show him that he’s worth it.. that he’s beautiful.
aww that boy is beautiful, he is worth it, he shouldnt care what anyone thinks because he’s been given the gift of life and uniqueness! he should embrace it because that’s who he his, brave little man, you can do it ♥
This should have a million notes. It’s one of those rare posts that actually deserve it.
Forever reblog. ♥ You and your brother are awesome."

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